This is a list of books, published and unpublished, that the researcher has access to in Colville (either at the Colville Public Library or at the Stevens County Historical Society Research Center) that may be of interest to those doing historical research in the Stevens County area. Some books are available for purchase as noted beside each entry (see below for explanation of abbreviations). Note: not all books are indexed. This page was last updated 9/29/2010.
Local Area History Availability
Civil War Veterans Buried in Stevens County, Washington by Roger W. May - 2007 .... C&B, NeWGS, SCHS
Columbia River, The by JoAnn Roe - 1992 .... C&B
Colville Collection One by Patrick J. Graham – 1989 ..... C&B, NeWGS, SCHS
Colville Collection Two - Military Fort Colville 1859 to 1882 by Patrick J. Graham - 2006 .... C&B, NeWGS, SCHS
Colville Collection Three: Steamboats on the Upper Columbia and Graham Omnibus by Patrick J. Graham - 2009 (includes stories of the Graham family, Colville & Northport, and the border communities of Boundary, Waneta, Fort Shepard, Leadpoint, Cedar Creek & Deep Creek .... C&B, NeWGS, SCHS
Colville Collection Four: Old Dominion Mine...the Mine that Saved Colville and Jimmie Durkin....a man of his word by Patrick J. Graham - 2010 .... C&B, NeWGS, SCHS
Colville Collection Five: Catholicism i the Colville Country by Patrick J. Graham - 2014 .... C&B, NeWGS, SCHS
Colville Collection Six: Prohibition - Rumrunners, Moonshiners in Northeastern Washington by Patrick J. Graham - 2014 .... C&B, NeWGS, SCHS
Colville Collection Seven: The White Man Cometh...History of Hudson's Bay Fort Colville by Patrick J. Graham - 2017 .... C&B, NeWGS, SCHS
Colville Collection Eight: GOLD: A history and tales of gold and mining in Northeast Washington by Patrick J. Graham - 2018 .... C&B, NeWGS, SCHS
Ferryboats on the Columbia River by Ruby & Brown - 1974 .... O/P
Fire Lookouts of the Northwest by Kresek - 1984 / 1998 .... SCHS
First Twenty Years by Howard L. Mooney - 1976 .... O/P
Forgotten Corner by Craig Holstine (forestry) – 1987..... C&B, NeWGS, SCHS
From Pioneers to Power published by the Grand Coulee Dam Bicentennial Association - 1976 ....C&B
Gold Creeks and Ghost Towns of Northeastern Washington by N.L. Barlee - 1999
Gold Seekers by Pauline Battien (mining) – 1989..... O/P
Heart of Hulda by Nina Miller (story of the Hanson farm--bio) - 1988 ..... C&B, NeWGS
Historical Atlas of the Pacific Northwest by Hayes – 1999
Illustrated History of Stevens, Ferry, Okanogan and Chelan - pub 1904 (bios and pictures) ..... O/P but available online at Washington State Library under County & Regional History
Journey Down the Columbia by Henry C. Westergaard - 1990
Last Bell, The by Alpha Naff (all-name index) – 1984, republished 2006 by NeWGS .... C&B, NeWGS, SCHS
My Home, Collected Writings of Goldie Van Bibber Putnam as gathered by Crystal A. Putnam Lawson 2007 (Mrs. Putnam was a noted local historian in both Stevens & Ferry counties) ..... available at
Native River by William D. Layman - 2002 .... C&B
People's History of Stevens County by Bohm & Holstine - 1983, reprinted 2007 by NeWGS ..... C&B, KFHC, NeWGS
Pioneer German Sisters by Inga Jablonsky - 2009 ... available at
Ranald McDonald by Lewis & Murakami – 1923 / 1990 ..... SCHS
Record of an Exploration from Ft. Colville to Puget Sound, W.T. by Henry Hubbard Pierce, US ARMY – 1882 ..... O/P
Sources of the River by Jack Nisbet – 1994 (Hudson Bay to Kettle Falls)
Spanning Washington by Craig Holstine & Richard Hobbs - 2005 ....C&B
Spokane and the Inland Empire by N. W. Durham (index of Stevens Co names)
Spokane and the Inland Empire by Stratton – 1991 .... C&B
Steeples & People by A.J. Kjack (churches) - 2003
Tales of the Pioneers by Colville Mothers' club – 1964? ..... O/P
Tom Graham (Early day mailman…incl. in "Colville Collection One") ..... O/P
Town Team by Harry Santos (baseball town teams in county) - 1988 ..... SCHS
Stevens County Records
Bible Records by NEWGS & EWGS (from members’ collections) – 1996 ..... NeWGS, EWGS
Catholic Records by Minnick and Warner (Vancouver & St Paul vols) - 1979
Enumeration of Stevens Co Cemeteries 3 vols by NeWGS ..... C&B, NeWGS, SCHS
Book 1: Colville – 1987
Book 2: Incorporated Towns – 1988
Book 3: Rural Areas – 1989 (Out of Print)
Stevens Co WA Births & Deaths 1890 – 1907 by NeWGS – 1997..... NeWGS
Northern Stevens County
A Place Called Deep Creek by Hern – 1996
Kettle River Country by Ruth Lakin - 1976, reprinted 2007 by NeWGS ..... C&B, KFHC, NeWGS, SCHS
Central Stevens County
And the Coyotes Howled by Helmstetter – 1997 (Pleasant Valley - Rice, Daisy, Gifford)
Blue Creek, By Cracky by Garry Baun - 1990 ..... SCHS
Homestead Days by Elsa Skiles (Arden & White Lake) – 1992 ..... O/P
Rich Heritage by Kate Carlson (Summit Valley) - 1979 ..... O/P
Southern Stevens County
Life Along the Spokane by Don McDonald (TumTum area) - 1978 .....O/P
One of Fifteen by Phil Skok (Jump-Off-Joe area) - 2004? .... SE
Pioneer Days Reviewed by Fisher & Bennett - 1970
Pioneers of Happy Hill by Jim McMillan – 1981 ..... reprinted 2010 by NeWGS
Pioneers of the Columbia by Greenwood Park Grange – 1965 (Hunters-Fruitland) ..... O/P
Pioneers of the Columbia by Greenwood Park Grange – 1998 ..... C&B, Greenwood Grange (see below)
Price's Valley by Grace Sampson (Fruitland) ..... unpublished
The Way it Was According to Chick by Robert Wynecoop (life on Spokane Indian Res) - 2003
Time Ticks On by Helen Cook (south of Chewelah) – 1990 ..... O/P
Native Americans
A River Lost by Bragg – 1996 (children’s picture book about Coulee Dam & the native Americans)
Black Robes and Indians by Sister Maria Ilma Raufer, O.P. - 1966 ..... C&B, SCHS (repint 2011)
Children of the Fur Trade by John C. Jackson – 1996 ..... SCHS
Cogewea by Mourning Dove (Christine Quintasket) - 1927/1981
Coyote Stories by Mourning Dove (Christine Quintasket) -1933/1990
Mourning Dove by Mourning Dove (Christine Quintasket) - 1990
People of the Falls by David H. Chance – 1986 .... KFHC, SCHS
With One Sky Above Us, Life on an Indian Reservation at the Turn of the Century by M. Gidley, w/photographs by Dr. Edward H. Latham, U.S. Indian Agency Physician, 1979
Carl Oman Remembers by Ida Mae Culler (Chewelah) – 1987 ..... O/P
Chewelah...a Work in Progress by Gene Schalock - 2001 .... SE
Chewelah and Vicinity by Walt Goodman – 1968?..... Chewelah Museum
Purple Flat Top by Jack Nisbet (Chewelah) – 1996 ..... SCHS
Voicing the Realities of War (3 volumes) by Jenkins High School - 2000, 2001, 2002
City of Proud Heritage by Tom Oakshott (incl. in "Colville Collection") ..... O/P
Colville High School 1897-1997 by Harry Santos - 1997
Immaculate Conception Church by Father Pash (Colville) – 1962
Little Journeys Around the Town by J.C. Harrigan – 2000 ..... C&B, NeWGS
The People....Who Will Live in Colville Area History...a 1989 centennial celebration book by the Statesman-Examiner ..... C&B, NeWGS, SCHS
Kettle Falls
A Brief History of Kettle Falls by Lewis Nullett – 1992 ..... SCHS
Saga of Kettle Falls by Orville Dutro - 1988 ..... O/P
Northport Pioneers by Northport Over Forty Club - 1981, reprinted 2009 .... C&B, NHS, NeWGS
Springdale, Washington, USA by Rose Brown - 1976 .... O/P
Wets and Drys of Springdale by Rose Brown - 1986 ..... C&B, NeWGS, SCHS
For Whom the Bell Has Tolled by Louis Tomsha – 1990 ..... NeWGS
Miscellaneous Area Books worth checking out
50 Hikes for Eastern Washington's Highest Mountains by James Johnson - 2003 .... C&B
Geologic Atlas of Stevens County, WA by Map Metrics - 2006 .... C&B
Old Path to Peace (family migration to eastern Washington) by Carolyn Williams - 2003 .... C&B
Paddle Routes of the Inland Northwest by Rich Landers & Dan Hansen - 1998 .... C&B
Place Names of Washington by Robert Hitchman - 1985
Road Atlas of Ferry County, WA by Map Metrics - 2005 .... C&B
Road Atlas of Pend Oreille County, WA by Map Metrics - 2005 .... C&B
Road Atlas of Stevens County, WA by Map Metrics - 2005 .... C&B
Roadside Geology of Washington by David Alt & Donald Hyndman - 1994 .... C&B

O/P = Out of Print
unpub = unpublished
C&B = Coffee & Books 509-684-3512
Town Center - 298 S. Main, Suite 103
Colville, WA 99114
Greenwood Grange ......Pioneers of the Columbia $22 plus $3 postage
c/o Clarence Yarnell
Box 33
Hunters, WA 99137
KFHC = Kettle Falls Historical Center 509-738-6964
P. O. Box 498
Kettle Falls, WA 99141
Located off Hwy 395 near Columbia River bridge
Open June 1 to Labor Day
NHS = Northport Historical Society
P.O. Box 93
Northport, WA 99157
NeWGS = Northeast Washington Genealogical Society
c/o Colville Public Library
195 So. Oak
Colville, WA 99114
SE = Statesman-Examiner 509-684-4567
220 S. Main 800-488-5676
Colville, WA 99114
SCHS = Stevens County Historical Society 509-684-5968
700 N. Wynne
Colville, WA 99114
Some books also available at the new Kettle Falls Visitors Center on Hwy 395