Photos of the 760th

Guard shack at the entrance to the 760th  
Building front left is the end of the PX. Building in back is officer's barracks upstairs, dispensary and library on ground floor. 
Barracks 2, barracks 3 and barracks 4 (in back) 
Two-story building in back is officer's barracks upstairs with dispensary and library downstairs; orderly room and rec room on left. 
Airman's barracks room 
Communications building on upper hill with heating plant to the left.  Height finders (poles) can be seen behind the com building. 
Steam plant for heating the 760th (dining hall behind) 
Power plant 
760th AC&W dining hall 
Mess Hall and Kitchen at the 760th AC&W
NCO club and "rec" room (taller part) 
Supply room to left, NCO club center, and PX building with gym in right foreground. 
PX building on the left, Barracks 4 in center back, Barracks 1 on right 
Orderly room (Dec 1957) 
Orderly room 
Supply building on left, PX on right. Pipes carried steam to heat the buildings. 
Supply bulding with NCO club to the right (Dec 1957) 
Top Left - old entrance to 760th (sign says "Spruce Canyon Youth Forest Camp")
Top Right - Radar domes coming down
Bottom - ex radar dome 
Top L - back of Orderly Room front L; Motor Pool, Airmen's Club & Barracks in back; Officer's Quarters with library & medic on right
Top R - Officer's Quarters upstairs, medic & library on first floor; Steam Plant on right
Lower L - Orderly Room
Lower R - Probably Airmen's Club 
Top L - Barracks 1 (in back), 2, 3 (front)
Top R - Barracks 4
Bottom L - Barracks room
Bottom R - Day room 
Top photos - Maintenance Shop, run by civilians
Bottom photos - Base housing 
Ops Building